Thursday, July 19, 2007
Chapter 6- Computer and Network Security
Hackers- I think Hackers are very relavant to teachers since some of our students will someday be hackers. I might not be able to prevent my students to become hackers but if any of them do, I hope that they will hack with the common good in mind. Maybe if educators concentrate on building caring learning communities where kids feel valued and value others we won't have to worry about this. Of course we also need parents to support our efforts.
Response to Chapter 5- Privacy
I'm interested in discussing how the Patriot Act impacts American's privacy. It's something that is discussed by the media frequently. I can't make up my mind about as to whether the Patriot Act allows the government to go to far. In one way I'm sure that it does. Historically speaking, the goverment or certain goverment individuals always end up abusing their ability to investigate citizen's private lives. On the other hand, many criminals have been caught and prosecuted because of these investigations. I feel like I don't have anything to hide so I've never worried too much about my private life being invaded. Maybe since I'm a Democrat and a proponent of social justice I should be worried than I am!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Debate rages o0ver digital divide-3rd article by Loretta
Since I have been concerned about inequity between wealthy and poor districts for quite some time I found this article very interesting. It makes sense that the wealthier school districts are going to provide more technology in their classrooms. The kids at the lowere end of the socio-economic spectrum are once again left out. Why do the higher socio- economic kids always have more advantages? The children in the Leavenworth schools do have technology available to them. This is wonderful! Know we need to make sure we have appropriate programs and staff training. We will continue to have to put time and resources into our technology program. Loretta
Assistive Technology Benefits all Students-2nd article by Loretta
This article was an interview with Steve Timmere. It sounds like he has developed a lot of exciting computer programs that all learners can benefit from. Even my kindergartners could benefit from a pragram like Universal Reader where books or passasges are read to them. I hope opur school district will be able to implement Talking Dictionary and Text to Audio. These are programs that help learning disabled students along with everyone else. Loretta
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Article: The National Technology plan
This article was an interview with Ms. Patrick, one of the directors of the national Technology orginization. She said one of the interesting components of the study they did in schools was the student survey. 70% of the students want to be involved in helping their school and community. I think this is great news! Know we need to think of a way to help them make that happen. I think it is great that we are working on how we can use technology to make our schools better but I also think we need to keep it in perspective. How will we be able to afford the implementation of technology into all of our schools? Will we think it is more important to spend money on technology than on teachers?
Friday, June 22, 2007
The Blue Nowhere-2nd post
one of the issues the first 250 pages raises is parenting. The character of Phate has some of the problems he has because of being ignored by his parents. He didn't suffer poverty or substandard living conditions when growing up. His parents were basically too busy with their own careers to bother with him. I'm wondering if this is a social commentary by Deaver on the state of our current parenting. I'm concerned that many parents today are very busy with their career and that they use technology as a babysitter. As Deaver points out in this book that could be very dangerous. Loretta
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The first half of The Blue Nowhere
Because of the assigned reading from Internet & Computer Ethics, I understtod a lot more of the computer terminology in this book. Because it is a thriller, it is very fun reading. I have to say this book has made me much more cynical about the use of the internet. How many people are really using their computer knowledge for good, ethical purposes? Do we really want a society where on the web nobody is what they seem to be. It makes me think the web is just one giant game. A game to get money, power and attention. I don't like any of the characters in this book that are obssesed computers. How can you let yourself live in such a false reality? How can we let our computers be abused to such a degree as parents? Because we're lazy. Letting our kids spent too much time recreational time with technology is just too easy. The first half of The Blue Nowhere has really made me think about the future. I think it's going to turn out like a science fiction movie!
I read these 2: Technology in Schools- One for, one against
Technology in schools: Some say it Doesn't Compute
Much of the arguement against the use of computers is when the users are young children. I think we need to refine our analysis of technology by breaking it down into age groups. We really can't come to any good conclusions until we do so. Why do we over simplify ever single issue in education? Because when we do so no "problem" can ever really be solved. You know what I really think? Until we start really scrutinizing "researchers" personal agendas, we're never really going to come up with accurate data.
Technology in Schools: It Does Make a Difference
ANY EDUCATIONAL TOOL CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE HANDS OF A GOOD TEACHER! Technology can benefit children. So can libraries! How many inner city schools have an adequate library? How many have adequate space? What is the student to teacher ratio? We have some very important problems to address. I worry these problems will be overlooked because of our society's obsession with technology.
Much of the arguement against the use of computers is when the users are young children. I think we need to refine our analysis of technology by breaking it down into age groups. We really can't come to any good conclusions until we do so. Why do we over simplify ever single issue in education? Because when we do so no "problem" can ever really be solved. You know what I really think? Until we start really scrutinizing "researchers" personal agendas, we're never really going to come up with accurate data.
Technology in Schools: It Does Make a Difference
ANY EDUCATIONAL TOOL CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE HANDS OF A GOOD TEACHER! Technology can benefit children. So can libraries! How many inner city schools have an adequate library? How many have adequate space? What is the student to teacher ratio? We have some very important problems to address. I worry these problems will be overlooked because of our society's obsession with technology.
How Teachers View Technology
It doesn't suprise me that the teachers in this study found technology to be helpful for their students and for them. I think my computer at school is very helpful for communication wth parents and teachers as well. Most of the teachers in this study had several years of experience. They also had adequate technology training. I think these two elements have helped their students to benefit from computers in their classroom. I believe the teacher is the most important factor in the education of the student.(Besides the Parent.) When you have a good teacher, they will find a way to make the resources they are given, improve their instruction. The more training/ resources teachers have, the better able they will be at individualizing their instruction.
Reaction to : Technology Brings False Promise to School
I found this article very interesting. Since I am a teacher of young children, I am very concerned about to much emphasis on technology. For them, I think exposure to technology is great. I think that a computer is something that young children like to explore. They should be allowed to also explore many other things as well. Are our classrooms equipped with these other resources? Do they have plenty of books, blocks, dramatic play props, models, musical instruments, balls, games etc.? I consider these resources much more critical in child development than a computer. I think that computers are one tool. Todd Oppenheimer is correct when he says that they are being oversold to school districts. Just because you get tools does not mean you know how to use them correctly!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
In my Kindergarten classroom I feel I am following some of the guidelines set by the iste. I d have some ability in operating the technology in my classroom and I am learning more all the time. I am fortunate enough to have a computer on my desk at school. There are 5 other computers that my students have access to. The kids in my classroom use the computer for reading skills, math skills and exploration of topics that interest them. When I examine the Educational Standards I see that I am making progress in planning learning experiences that are supported by technology. When considering the 4th standard that addresses assessment, I think giving the Star Early Literacy test meets part of this standard. The two standards I need to work harder at meeting are5 and 6. Sometimes I am not always productive when using technlogy because I haven't used it enough to be fluent. I also have never spent much time thinking about the ethical issues related to technolgy. I assume this class will motivate me to do so!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Posting my bog
Hi Andy, I am learning sooo much from thus class so far. I would have never discovered blogging withou this assignment. Thanks! Loretta
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